Term 1 - Tue 28th January to Fri 4th April
Term 2 - Tue 22nd April to Fri 4th July
Term 3 - Mon 21st July to Fri 19th September
Term 4 - Mon 6th October to Fri 19th December
CURRICULUM DAYS FOR 2025 - No students required at school
Curriculum days are student free days.
Tuesday 28th January
Wednesday 29th January
Friday 6th June
Monday 3rd November
Please note that the school office may be closed on certain student free days.
A wonderful day of fun, colour and excitement was had last Friday at our much-anticipated Colour Explosion Fun Run.
A HUGE thank you to the Carrum Fire Brigade for attending and creating a splash that added some extra fun.
The time and effort put in by our fantastic P&F committee is very much appreciated and with an amazing $11,500 raised, students will enjoy extra IT resources to support their learning. Community support was also appreciated, and it was fantastic to see so many families joining in the fun on the day.
THANK YOU to everyone for your fundraising efforts and participation.
Bonbeach Farmers' Christmas Market is the place to be this Sunday 10th December.
Come and enjoy the festive atmosphere and shop locally this Christmas:
Thank you for shopping at Bonbeach Farmers Market during 2023, and for the past 9 years. By shopping with us, you are supporting Victoria’s farmers, makers, growers, brewers, producers, bakers, designers, musicians, the self-employed and the family business'.
We will keep growing and evolving in 2024, and continue to make Bonbeach Farmers Market, your favourite place to gather and socialise while shopping for vibrant healthy food.
Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
This year, our SRC members have contributed to the life of our school community in many different ways. They have taken their roles seriously and worked hard throughout each term. During our fortnightly SRC meetings, these students came prepared with ideas, listened to each other, collaborated, and made decisions with all students at BPS in mind. Here is a snapshot of all that was achieved in 2023…
Term 1 - Jack, Raph + Will
Harmony Day (State Schools Relief) and ANZAC Day (ANZAC appeal).
First of all, we helped run Harmony Day where we raised funds for State Schools Relief. Students at BPS were encouraged to wear orange (to celebrate diversity) and bring in a gold coin donation. Our job was to promote this event by making announcements at assemblies and over the loud speaker, and collect all the gold coin donations. We raised $400! Later that term, we had ANZAC day. The SRC went around the school and sold poppies to people that brought in a gold coin donation.
Term 2 - Paloma, Maive + Harper
Questionnaire to get feedback from all classes. Brain break list. Lunch time club announcements. Crazy Hair Day (school improvement - cricket pitch/more tech in classrooms). Wellness Day.
In Term Two, the SRC came up with the Wellness Day idea following data received from a questionnaire we sent out to all classes. On Wellness Day, we did a variety of activities built around the idea of health and wellness. Term Two was the busiest and most jam packed term of the year! Luckily, we managed to organise a whole day of fun and mindful ideas. Some of the many things that we did were going on a walk and paying attention to our senses, a diamond 9 activity and mindfulness colouring. As well as that, we organised a wonderful Crazy Hair Day to raise money to fix up the cricket pitch! It was so much fun seeing all the cool hair styles in action! Did we mention the term was busy?
Term 3 - Leo, Lucas + Ted
Pyjama Day (Pyjama Foundation) + Footy Colours Day (Fight Cancer Foundation).
To start Term Three, the SRC team held a gold coin donation for the Pyjama Foundation (helping kids in foster care) and everyone in school came on that day wearing their favourite pyjamas. We raised loads of money for a great cause. The Pyjama Foundation is a foundation that helps younger children that are unfortunately in foster care. A few weeks after, we hosted a Footy Colours parade that raised money for the fight cancer foundation. On this day we had a parade where everyone got to show off what footy team they barracked for and if you do not like footy you could wear another sport team's colours. We raised over $300 dollars for this cause while having a lot of fun. We had activities held on the oval that day by the school Year 6s. Everyone had a great time.
Term 4 - Nina, Penny + Ella
Remembrance Day + Colourthon (school improvement - more tech).
In Term Four, we helped organise two fundraisers, the Colourthon and Remembrance day. For Remembrance Day we walked around asking for donations. Once a student gave us some money we gave them a poppy badge or wristband. We created a thoughtful speech to mark this event and share with all students and teachers, including instructing all to participate in a one minute’s silence. For the Colourthon, we advertised the event by making posters and placed these around the school. We also decided on where the funds raised would go, choosing to purchase more devices for our classrooms. Our final task as SRC members was to reflect on our time in SRC and think about ideas that will help the 2024 SRC.
Reflections from our 2023 SRC Members
Jack | I have enjoyed helping with all the fundraisers, I loved going around and collecting all the money. I have learned to be a better leader, I have learned to communicate with students better. I’d think trying out in 2024 for student representative council is good because it’s a really fun experience for everything you do in it. |
Nina | I have enjoyed being a part of SRC. I learnt to be more responsible. I improved the school by looking out for everyone. And my advice for SRC students in 2024 is to be nice, be responsible and help out as much as you can. |
Paloma | I have enjoyed going around selling merch. I learnt how to be better at leading and I have applied these skills in many of my collaborative projects. My advice would be that if you are the next representative, that you should just make sure that you negotiate with your classmates but still take your ideas into account. I helped raise money to get a new cricket pitch |
Penny | I have enjoyed planning events. I learnt how to make better decisions as a group. I helped the school by raising money to new foundations including: make a wish etc. My advice to people applying for SRC next year is to be honest and share your ideas. |
Raph | I have enjoyed selling merchandise, planning things for the future and the SRC lunch. I have learnt how to make important decisions for the school to make it better. My advice would be to think of fundraisers early and other things to improve the school. |
Harper | I have loved being in SRC this year. I enjoyed making announcements at assemblies and over the loudspeaker. I have improved in my communication skills and my confidence. I have also learned how to help the school in many different ways. I have helped the school by raising money for many different fundraisers and school equipment. If i was to give any advice to future SRC students it would be to put all your ideas forward no matter if you thought it was bad or not. |
Will | I have enjoyed selling merchandise to improve the school. I have liked the meetings at lunch time. I have also learnt to improve my leadership from SRC over the year. |
Lucas | I have enjoyed going around and selling all the items to classes. I learnt to apply my skills to good use. I helped the school by putting input into how we really need a new cricket pitch. If i was to give advice to the people in SRC next year it would be to go for it and it is a great opportunity to be a leader. |
Leo | I have enjoyed the fundraising, I learnt to apply myself to help out our school - I helped get a new cricket pitch, got money for the bike shed and changed the music. If I was to give advice to someone wanting to do SRC, I’d say go for it. It'll help your public speaking and change our school for the better. |
Ted | I have very much enjoyed the many different events we have hosted, along with the many meetings we have held. This is also supported by the amount of money we have raised for multiple different reasons, some being for the school and others being donations to charities, some of which were really close to me personally. |
Maive | I have enjoyed fundraising events for the school. Collecting all the fundraising money for all of the events throughout the year. I have learnt to confidently speak in front of a crowd. The advice I would give to the future SRC is to do your best in all tasks and activities, and give support to other SRC members! |
Ella | I have enjoyed helping decide fundraisers and events. Walking around the school and collecting fundraising money from classes. I have learnt to raise ideas and thoughts about the school. The advice I would give for SRC in 2024 is just to make sure that instruction for tasks and activities are clear. |
COS will be supplying your 2024 stationery packs. COS is a 100% Australian Family Owned & Operated school supplier. We’ve selected the list of items your child needs to start the year and worked with COS so you can order everything you need in one go and it will be delivered directly to your School on the 17th of January 2024.
The items listed on the following page have been selected as being required for Year 2 in 2024. To ensure delivery on the Wednesday 17th of January 2024, please place your order by Wednesday 3rd January 2024.
2024 Requirements for Online Ordering
Listed below are the easy steps for placing your online order available from Wednesday 25th October 2023.
For a fast, simple, and secure way to place your order visit parent.cos.net.au and follow these steps:
(Please note, items may have been marked as either mandatory or optional by your school)
You will receive an email order confirmation and can also request order tracking sent to your mobile.
Delivery Guarantee: Packs delivered to school
All orders placed before Wednesday 3rd January 2024, will be delivered to the school prior to Term 1, 2024 commencing. Orders after this date cannot be guaranteed to arrive on time and may be delivered to your school a few weeks into the school term.
Please contact COS with any queries regarding the Parent Portal
Telephone: 1300 614 133 Email: parentportal@cos.net.au
Website: parent.cos.net.au
Parent Payment Arrangements-Prep 2024
Parent Payment Arrangements-Year 1 2024
Parent Payment Arrangements-Year 2 2024
Parent Payment Arrangements-Year 3 2024
Parent Payment Arrangements-Year 4 2024
Parent Payment Arrangements-Year 5 2024
Parent Payment Arrangements-Year 6 2024
Please return all outstanding library books to school by the end of Monday 11th December.
This will ensure staff have time to prepare the Library for 2024.
Many thanks for your cooperation