Jumbunna 6th May 2021


Event Calendar

February 2025
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A Message from Ken and Lisa

School Council Report

The following policies were reviewed and updated at the School Council meeting last week:

These policies have been updated on the school website and can also be accessed by clicking on the policy title above. All families are encouraged to be aware of these policies. The Food Sharing Policy contains important information regarding requirements when supplying food for student birthdays etc.

Covid-tracing requirements

Thank you to all our families who have been supporting us to ensure we are following government requirements with record-keeping for Covid-tracing purposes, by signing in when they attend the school for 15 minutes or more at the office, and checking in using the QR code when attending events such as assemblies. All schools are required to have these measures in place. A reminder that when attending an event, there will be QR codes posted around the grounds for you to check in with. We are running most events outside to ensure we can comply with density limit requirements. In the outdoor environments, social distancing should still be practiced.

Additional requirements have now been put in place by the Department of Education when students attend venues outside of the school for excursions. The school is now required to provide venues with contact details for each student attending the excursion. We are now no longer able to only provide the school contact details. When you are now asked to give consent for an excursion through Compass, you will be prompted to provide a contact number for Covid-tracing purposes. This will be provided to the venue. Venues will be collecting student names and contact phone numbers for a legitimate purpose and are subject to Victorian privacy laws so will handle the information securely and only retain it for the required 28-day period.

Unwell students

As we head into the cooler months we have noticed a number of students experiencing cold like symptoms. Parents are reminded that if their child is unwell, to not send them to school. Any students or staff displaying Covid-19 symptoms, such as a fever, cough, sore throat or loss or change in sense of taste or smell will be sent home and asked to get tested before returning to school. Sending sick children to school increases the risk of this being spread among other students and staff. Staff will not be returning to school until they can produce a negative Covid test which will impact on the continuity of the learning program for all students in the class.

Good Behaviour

It is always great when we get positive feedback about our students!

 I received news that the Parents and Friends reps, who were working on the Mothers’ Day Stall today, were very impressed with how well behaved our students were when they were purchasing their Mothers’ Day gifts. Well done everybody! Fabulous news!

Parenting for emotionally healthy kids

by Michael Grose

Most people steer clear from using destructive, toxic parenting strategies for fear of raising dysfunctional, emotionally unhealthy adults. Living vicariously through your kids or using fear to gain obedience are the types of strategies most parents avoid. So, what behaviours can parents practise that will help their kids function well, relate well to others and reach emotional maturity in adulthood? These behaviours will help your lay the foundation for your child to become an emotionally healthy adult.

Helping kids tolerate discomfort

While you don’t need to expose kids to pain just for the purpose of toughening them up, you don’t need to shield them from discomfort. Missing being picked for a team, a friend moving away and sitting a test that makes them nervous are the types of situations that reflect real adult-life. Providing children and young people with exposure to such experiences and giving them coping strategies such as positive distraction builds their resilience, which is essential for success and good mental acuity.

Validating their feelings

Telling kids to stop worrying or stop crying sends a message that emotions are bad. It teaches them to hide their emotions or fight their feelings. Similarly applying the terms ‘good’ or ‘bad’ to emotions sends a message that some emotions are not acceptable. The use of terms ‘pleasant’ and ‘unpleasant’ when discussing emotions is non-judgemental and shows your acceptance of all feelings.  Let kids know through your language and behaviour that all emotions are a natural part of life, and that they provide important information to help them navigate their world. “Ahh! I see you feel upset about this” is the type of statement kids want to hear particularly when feelings are negative.

Letting kids live their own life

Parents have unrealised dreams as well as unhealed emotional scars. It can be tempting to put your own emotions onto your child or steer them away from areas of life that caused you pain. This practice places enormous pressure on children and restricts them from developing their own sense of self that comes from making your own life choices and living with the consequences. Kids require a certain amount of emotional space to develop their own interests and strengths that may be at odds with your expectations, which can be challenging when parenting small families.

Being emotionally available

One of the most difficult and time-consuming aspects of parenting is sharing a child or young person’s emotional burdens. Supporting a child who is sad, or helping a young person manage disappointment is draining emotional labour, requiring your full attention. Supporting, coaching and coaxing kids when they are down is when parents do some of their most important work.

In closing

Raising children and young people to reach emotional maturity is an often (unintentionally) neglected part of parenting. By paying attention to their emotions and responding positively rather than shutting them down when their emotions get the better of them you will help lay the foundation to live healthy, balanced lives.


Ken & Lisa



Bonbeach News

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Child Safe                                                        

On 26 November 2015, the Victorian Parliament passed the Child Wellbeing and Safety Amendment (Child Safe Standards) Bill 2015, which amended the Child Safety and Wellbeing Act 2005 to introduce the Child Safe Standards that would apply to all organisations involved in child related work in Victoria.

There are 7 Child Safe Standards which are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect. The 7 Standards are:

  1. Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety, including through effective leadership arrangements
  2. A child safe policy or statement of commitment to child safety
  3. A code of conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children
  4. Screening, supervision, training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel
  5. Processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse
  6. Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse
  7. Strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children.

Bonbeach Primary School is committed to child safety and to our children being principled, caring, balanced members of our community. We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of our children and have zero tolerance of child abuse. All allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously. The school is committed to regularly training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks and all staff undertake Mandatory Reporting training.

We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers, and are committed to the cultural safety of children from diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

Bonbeach Primary School has the following Policies and documents in place to meet the Child Safe Standards:

  • Child Safe Policy
  • Child Safe Responding and Reporting Policy (including mandatory reporting)
  • Child Safe Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers
  • Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
  • Volunteers Policy
  • Working with Children’s Checks Policy
  • External Providers Policy

All of the above policies and documents are regularly reviewed and updated in line with our policy review schedule. These policies are available on our school website. All of these documents can be found on our website under the ‘Child Safe’ tab and the policies can also be found under the ‘Policies’ tab. We encourage all families to familiarise themselves with these documents.


Mother's Day

Indonesian News



This term, the students are continuing with either batik or rice growing. They were given a choice at the start of the year.


The students are researching the traditional method of making batik. They also looked at modern designs.

They then created their own design which involved:

  • Drawing the design onto the material.
  • Painting wax onto the design.
  • Dying their design different colours.
  • Removing the wax and washing the material.

Some students have decided to create a cushion and some have decided to make a wall hanging.


The students researched:

  • Where rice is grown around the world, specifically paying attention to the countries of Asia.
  • How it is traditionally grown in Indonesia and then comparing it to how we grow rice in Australia.

In small groups they researched how they could grow rice at school, what equipment was necessary and what type of rice seeds they would need. They decided on seeds from Thailand.

They are also involved in cooking a variety of Asian dishes that involve rice. For example, Sticky rice with mango and coconut milk, Nasi goreng, Rice paper rolls.


This term, the students are looking at Living Creatures. Sea animals is our first topic. The students will be involved in a variety of activities which include, translating, reading and writing in Bahasa (Indonesian). In pairs, they will research a sea creature of their choice and create a poster explaining the animal’s different characteristics. The students as a group, will choose the next living creature that they want to research and compare to sea animals.


This term, the students are looking at body parts. They will learn the names of the different body parts through a variety of games and songs. The students will also be involved in activities which require them to match Indonesian words to English words, describe features of themselves orally in Indonesian. For example, ‘Rambut saya coklat dan panjang’ – ‘My hair is brown and long’.


The students are continuing to learn:

  • Numbers to ten. (A lot of children are almost there.)
  • Names of colours.
  • For example, besar (big) kecil (little).
  • For example, Selamat pagi (good morning) Good bye (sampai jumpa)
  • Answering to ‘How are you feeling?’

They are also involved in reading big books with repetitive texts, computer language programs and singing songs.





Growing Green Thumbs

GARLIC PLANTING: Last week we planted garlic cloves. Garlic does not like hot soil and must be planted in Autumn, when the soil starts to cool down. Garlic will take 8 months to grow from one clove into a bulb.

GARLIC BUTTER: This week grades 3/4 made garlic butter and tasted on toasted focaccia. The recipe is attached for students to recreate at home.



Dates to remember

Click here to view the upcoming dates.

Theircare News

Welcome back to term 2 from the Bonbeach team, we are glad to see many familiar faces and welcome our new faces. Already this term we have been very busy making our own fidget toys and having connect 4 tournaments. This term we have planned to have Sports, painting, dancing weeks and many more to come.

Please remember we are here on the 21st of May for the student free day.

On this day we are planning a PJ day and as usual breakfast and afternoon tea is provided, we will also be making pumpkin soup and garlic bread for lunch. The day will be filled with crafts, games, and a G rated movie. BYO pillow and blankets/teddies are optional.

Please remember if your child is absent from school and booked into afterschool care, please cancel their booking, just so we are not looking for them afterschool.



                Bonbeach Theircare contact details.

                Ph.0439 392 221

                Email. bonbeach@theircare.com.au


Student of the Week

PDJ      Eddie G
PKM     Mollie F
PMW    Jack M

JBT       Evie E
JKB       Penny W
JKM      Alannah W
JST       Eve B
JTC       Baxter G

MBJ       Harry W
MCF       Judson C

MEI       Ivy A      
MSM      Ethan E

SJH       Kai G
      Griffin D
SNM      Ben B

Art          Belle W (SMN)            
Indonesian       PDB & PKM 
PE            Alaina B (MBJ)

Community Announcements