Internal Transition
In the week beginning 23rd November, we will be starting our internal transition for 2021. Over the last four weeks of term, students in Years Prep to Year 5 will participate in a session each week where they will ‘go up’ to their next grade level. The students will have the opportunity to mix with the students and teachers in the area they will be transitioning to in 2021. Each week, the session will have a theme including ‘what to expect’, opportunities to look forward to, a chance to ask questions and provide answers from both teachers as well as from the year level above/below, and experience what Literacy and Numeracy will look like in the next year level. Our final session in the last week of term, will be an extended half day session in their 2021 grade with their 2021 teacher. In this session, students will begin to make connections with their class members and teacher and participate in activities to get to know one another and an opportunity for the class teacher to get to know each student in the class.
Long Hair
A gentle reminder that hair that is longer than shoulder length must be tied back whilst students are at school. This rule is both for hygiene and safety reasons.
What goes into making a grade?
Over the next few weeks, we will be beginning to create grades for 2021. This is a process that we take very seriously at Bonbeach. There are various data bases available for sale to schools which will automatically generate a grade for you, we do not use this at Bonbeach. Our teaching teams will meet a few times over the course of a couple of weeks to discuss each child and place them based on what is best for each child. Each student’s social, emotional and academic needs are considered during class placement. We understand the importance of children having friends around them. Each child will have the opportunity to record three friends they would like to be in a grade with and our teachers will endeavour to place them with at least one of the friends on their list. Our teachers also use their knowledge of your child’s friendships.
We appreciate that this is a time of uncertainty for many families. Please be rest assured, that we know your child very well and will use all of the information we have at hand to provide the best grade placement for your child.
Grade requests
Although the teachers do consider each child’s social, emotional and academic needs, there may be some aspect that parents are aware of, that we are not.
Specific grade requests may be considered for next year if they are for sound educational or social reasons. Please do not request a teacher for educational reasons and then also add friendship group requests.
These requests must be placed before Friday 20th November. Late requests will not be considered
Attendance and late arrivals
A reminder that class rolls are being marked by teachers at 9:15am. If your child arrives at school after 9:15am, they will need to report to the office to be signed in prior to entering their classroom.
It is a Department required that we account for all absences. If your child is away, please contact the school through the absence line or explain the absence through Compass. If your child will be absent for two days or more, please let the school know in writing. Each month, we will be sending letters home for students who have unexplained absences, requesting that you complete the form, explaining the reason for any unexplained absences and return this to school as soon as possible.
Give kids a thumbs up for the right things
by Michael Grose
Children of all ages enjoy parental recognition. They like when their parents make a fuss over their behaviour or highlight something they’ve done well.
Sometimes parents will reward their children’s behaviour with a treat, money or a gift. This is okay in small doses, but parental recognition alone is a high enough driver of children’s behaviour most of the time.
First borns, in particular, love approval. Youngest children just love that you have noticed them! Second borns can sometimes do things in spite of their parents, but deep down they love the recognition too, even if they don’t let on that they do.
The behaviour you focus on expands
If you want your kids to be neater then focus on their neat behaviours. “You’ve tidied your toys up before dinner. Top job!” You don’t have to throw a party, just let them know that you noticed and you approve of their tidiness. You may also let them know how it affects you. “You’ve tidied your toys up before dinner. It makes my job easier.” The behaviours that you notice and comment on will expand.
Noticing kids’ tidiness once won’t suddenly turn messy kids into exceptionally neat ones, but do it often enough and you’ll start to get some turn around.
You can give kids a thumbs up for all sorts of behaviours. Here’s some examples.
Being co-operative
Stubborn kids need a pat on the head when they respond on your terms not theirs.
Being brave
Nervous and anxious kids need to have their bravery pointed out to them. It’s reassuring and empowering.
Being helpful
Want helpful kids? Then you need to notice helpful behaviours.
Being tolerant
Sometimes older siblings need to be very tolerant of younger siblings. Tolerance is a very giving behaviour and should be promoted.
Being patient
Something to encourage in boys, in particular. It’s often not their strong point.
Being persistent
Let kids know when ‘hanging in there’ pays off. The link between persistence and success is massive but persistence needs to be promoted. It’s also the one factor of temperament that can be affected by parenting.
Being friendly
If your child struggles in social situations then recognise pro-social behaviours such as sharing, initiating contact with another child or taking an interest in another person.
Don’t wait until you get perfect behaviour to give recognition, particularly for very young children. Kids have L-plates when it comes to behaving (co-operatively, bravely, patiently) so their attempts and close approximations need to be verified by the significant adults in their lives – their parents.
Recognising kids’ positive behaviours is easy to do, but it’s also easy not to do. We often get tied up with other things and forget to show appreciation and nurture the behaviours our kids need to develop. It’s important to be aware of this. It’s the little things such as giving positive recognition that have the biggest impact on kids’ development.
Ken & Lisa
The 2021 Booklists have now been distributed to all students. Please return your child’s completed booklist to the Office by Friday 27th November 2020 even if you are choosing to purchase you booklist items through another supplier.
Book collection (dependant on COVID-19 restrictions) has been scheduled for Wednesday 27th January 2021 at the School Office in the Hall between 9am to 1pm and payment must be made in full prior to or at the time of collection. Families who have paid for and elected for packs to go staight to the classroom will not need to attend on this day.
Dear parents and guardians,
If your child has been enrolled to start Prep in 2021, please check the email address provided to the school to ensure that you have received your information regarding the Prep Transition Program. Your child has been invited to attend 3 sessions, during which they will have an opportunity to complete activities with the Prep Teachers and 8 other students.
Martyn Waters Debra Jennings Kate Murray
If you have not received an email outlining your dates and times, please contact the office.
The 2021 Prep Team
Today the students and staff at BPS commemorated the 102nd anniversary of the armistice which ended World War 1. Thank you to our School Leaders; Grace A, Dylan B, Matilda S and Grace A for their preparation and delivery of our Remembrance Day ceremony to classrooms via the PA system. Yet again the BPS community have proven that we will not let anything stop us from continuing on our learning journey in 2020. Lest We Forget.
Celebrating Maths at Bonbeach PS
Congratulations to the following students who participated in the 2020 Maths Olympiad. This was a team challenge that focussed on students’ ability to solve mathematical problems in a creative way. Students showed commitment towards their team during Online Learning and should be congratulated for their efforts.
Participation Awards:
Elektra L
Stella T
Fedya P
Alex S
Jack T
Izzy A
Lenny L
Xander R
Kirik L- First Place Participant
Jack Z- Second Place Participant
Grace A/Sienna P- Third Place Participant
Griffin D- Principal’s Award
The students will all be presented with certificates at assembly on Friday 13th November and will share their experiences of the challenge with the school.
Thank you to all those students that participated in this challenge.
Kate Murray
3/4s Take on Maths at Bonbeach PS
We asked some Year 3 and Year 4 students what they like about Maths at BPS…
Liliana “I like Maths because it is sometimes challenging.”
Alice “I like when a problem is hard and then I finally solve it.”
Asha “I like how you get to learn new things.”
Cooper H “It’s challenging and I learn stuff.”
Alice K “I like doing Colour by Numbers and I doing hard things.”
Jake P “I like working out strategies to solve problems.”
Lily “I love learning about Angles.”
Xander “Numbers are awesome.”
Sarp “I like learning new things that relate to Maths.”
Baxter “Times tables are fun to learn.”
Griffin "I like how we get to learn interesting facts about time and multiplication. I like challenging myself with maths."
Lucas "I like learning about multiplication, time and playing games. It's fun when we use food in maths."
Ewan "I like maths because I enjoy telling the time and learning about numbers."