Jumbunna 14th August 2020


A Message from Ken and Lisa

Privacy and online behaviour

During this time of remote learning, we find ourselves and our children spending an increased amount of time on devices and online. It is important that students understand the importance of privacy when online to protect themselves and others. Each year, all of our students participate in a Cyber-Safety unit as part of our Digital Technologies curriculum at the beginning of the year. This is also reinforced throughout the year when students use technology at school. We ask that families discuss the safe online practices they have been taught at school and reinforce this with your children at home to ensure the online safety of your children, their friends and classmates as well as our staff.

As stated in our Learning from Home Guide: ‘Please refrain from sharing any clips or images on any social media channels which include images or comments of anyone other than you or your own child. This relates to intellectual property as well. Comments, videos, Google Meets and work samples should not be copied in any way.’

Many social media platforms have age restrictions of 13+. We encourage parents to be aware of the social media accounts your child may have and to monitor your child’s activity on these. The school does not encourage any students having accounts on social media platforms that have age restrictions greater than their current age.

New Building Project

We are currently waiting to see which category our new building project fits into. This will determine how much work can be done on site during stage 4 restrictions and when stage 1 will be finished. We are hoping to get official notification next week and we hope to pass on good news next week in the newsletter.

Thank you

Thank you to all of our families who participated in the ‘Thumbs Up’ for Principal’s Day last week. It was a very pleasant surprise watching this on our online assembly! We are very lucky to have such a fantastic community here at Bonbeach. It is great to see everyone being so supportive of one another even during these challenging times. A big thank you also, to Mrs McCallum for her hard work in bringing the online assembly together each week to keep our community connected.


Ken & Lisa

A Message from Mr Mac

Maths News

                       Leo the Rabbit



Leo the Rabbit is climbing up a flight of 10 steps. Leo can only hop up 1 or 2 steps each time he hops. He never hops down, only up. How many different ways can Leo hop up the flight of 10 steps? Provide evidence to justify your thinking.


Nine Colours

Are you a fan of Rubik’s Cube? Do you like to build something to solve a problem? Here is one of our favorite puzzles.

Dates to remember

Term 3

Wed 19/8        School Council Meeting 6:00pm
Fri 21/8           Bonbeach Family Trivia Afternoon 4:30pm
Thurs 10/9      Education Sub Committee Meeting 5:00pm
Wed 16/9        School Council Meeting 6:00pm

Term 4

Thurs 15/10     Education Sub Committee Meeting 5:00pm
Wed 21/10       School Council Meeting 6:00pm
Mon 2/11         Curriculum Day - student free day
Thurs 21/11     Education Sub Committee Meeting 5:00pm
Wed 18/11       School Council Meeting 6:00pm
Wed 9/12         School Council Meeting 6:00pm

Community Announcements