Jumbunna 20th September 2024


Event Calendar

February 2025
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A Message from Ken and Jayne

End of Term

What a fabulous way to finish off Term 3!

Footy Day was a great success thanks to Mrs Mac and her teams of teachers and Year 6 students. It was fantastic to see everyone join in and have fun.

All codes were represented, soccer, rugby league and there was even a grid iron jumper being worn.

We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and come back to school for 4th term feeling refreshed and healthy on Monday 7th October.


Ken & Jayne

Theircare News

Garden News

This fortnight Prep, Years 1 and 2 have finished off the term in the kitchen. After harvesting the fruits of their labours, students doned an apron and got busy. Squashed broccoli, breakfast biscuits, garden pizza, kale chips and zucchini balls were prepared with excitement and enjoyed by all. Of course, there was some to get out and enjoy the garden while the delicious goodies were cooking.

Next term students are looking forward to learning about and planting new crops as we move into the warmer months.

This program could not run without volunteers, a huge thank you to all the parents who assisted.

Dates to Remember

Click here to view the upcoming dates.

Community Announcements