Term 1 - Tue 28th January to Fri 4th April
Term 2 - Tue 22nd April to Fri 4th July
Term 3 - Mon 21st July to Fri 19th September
Term 4 - Mon 6th October to Fri 19th December
CURRICULUM DAYS FOR 2025 - No students required at school
Curriculum days are student free days.
Tuesday 28th January
Wednesday 29th January
Friday 6th June
Monday 3rd November
Please note that the school office may be closed on certain student free days.
Introducing PLCs at Bonbeach Primary
Bonbeach Primary staff have been working hard behind the scenes, undertaking extensive training to further develop their knowledge around Professional Learning Communities (PLC). PLCs consist of a team of educators who work collaboratively to analyse student data, enhance their teaching practice and create a learning environment where all students reach their full potential.
Throughout a PLC cycle educators identify areas of improvement within student learning and break it into smaller pieces to ensure all elements are addressed and each student is catered for. In PLC language the overarching need is referred to as the cake, and this is broken down into slices and finally narrowed down to a crumb. As you know many crumbs come together to form a slice and many slices to form a cake. Gradually and efficiently learning objectives are achieved through a process of careful analysis, planning and refinement to ensure all student experience continuous improvement and reach their potential.
Bonbeach’s PLC team have been working together since the beginning of the year and this term are excited to be implementing the practice across the school to ensure every staff member has the skills to be a collaborative and effective member of PLC teams in each Level.
Found in all effective PLCs are 10 principles that bring together the best available research on school improvement:
Uniform Reminder
At Bonbeach Primary we pride ourselves on our uniform and what this represents. Unfortunately, we are seeing other items of clothing slipping into students’ daily attire and we ask that you please ensure your child comes to school each day in the correct uniform. For further advise please refer to Bonbeach Primary’s Student Dress Code policy which is on the website:
The Student Dress Code aims to:
If for any reason your child is not able to wear correct uniform on a particular day please either send a note, email or verbally communicate this with your child’s teacher.
We thank you for your assistance with this.
Smart Watches at School
If your child wears a Smart Watch to school, please ensure that it is set to school mode during school hours. We have had a growing number of incidents where students have been interacting with their watches causing disruption and lack of focus during class time. This interrupts teaching and learning which causes disruption to the whole class.
Your child’s wellbeing and safety is of upmost importance to all staff and if you need to be reached throughout the day, for any reason, please be assured that the office will contact you.
Family Holidays During School Terms
The Department of Education encourage families to make the most of school holidays and use this time for family holidays rather than taking leave during school terms. Prolonged absence does have a significant impact on student’s outcomes and taking holidays during the school term is actively discouraged.
If for some reason your child will be absent from school as a result of a family holiday, please ensure you make a time to meet with your teacher to make arrangements for holiday work to be provided.
Ken & Jayne
Just a reminder, the grade 3-6 House Athletics Day will be taking place next week (Thursday 3rd Aug). The day takes place at Ballam Park Athletics track with grade 3/4s leaving school first at approximately 9:10am with events starting at 10am. Grade 5/6 students will be leaving school at approximately 9:50am, with their events starting at 10:30am.
Students will stay with their classroom teacher and participate in 7 different athletics events. This is a chance for students to earn house points and will double as try outs for their age group to make the district athletics team. Any events not completed on the day, students will have the opportunity to trial at school.
Please check Compass to make sure you have consented and paid for transport for your child(ren). All students on the day are encouraged to come dressed up in their house colours.
The day will only be cancelled/postponed in the case of extreme weather.
A Prep-Grade 2 Athletics Day will take place at school in term 4. More information to come at the start of next term.
Corey McCormack Physical Education Teacher. corey.mccormack@education.vic.gov.au
Dear parents and guardians,
With book week approaching us, we are looking forward to celebrating and continuing to grow a love for reading. Book week will be celebrated in week 7 (21st of August - 25th of August). The parade will be held on Monday morning of Week 7 (Monday 21st of August) at 9:15am. We are hoping to hold the parade on the basketball and netball courts, depending on weather. Students will also be exploring book week activities during Visual Art that week.
We are looking forward to seeing your favourite books character come to life!
Millie Goray – 3/4 Teaching Team
We currently have several children enrolled at the school who have anaphylaxis; A severe, rapidly progressive allergic reaction which is potentially life threatening. We do not, however, have a NO NUT policy in our school.
Nuts are the most likely foods to cause life threatening anaphylaxis within school settings, even so, there are many uncommon triggers that must also be managed. In order to diminish the risk to these children we ask for minimization of products containing nuts in the interest of school safety and require children who bring nuts or nut products for lunch or snack, or any items containing an allergen of an anaphylactic student in their cohort, are to eat at their table and be required to wash their hands with warm soapy water prior to rejoining the class.
This is in keeping with the Victorian Health Department guidelines due to the young age of some of the students. The guidelines also recommend that older children become aware of their environment, the risks within it, and take responsibility for their health and wellbeing regarding allergies and reactions such as anaphylaxis. Knowing the environment is not 100% safe prepares them to remain aware out in the broader community.
As a caring school community, we do seek to lessen the risks when bringing food to school to share or when we are cooking in the classroom. We all need to be aware of the allergies in your child’s class. To assist you, we will be sending a letter home next week, with details of specific food allergies if relevant to your child’s class. Minimising the risk in this way is just one of several strategies already incorporated at Bonbeach Primary and Pre School.
In addition, teaching staff are trained in how to recognise an anaphylactic reaction and how to administer both an EpiPen and Anapen, and each child with severe allergies has their own Action Plan in the event of a reaction.
Thank you for taking the time to give it your careful consideration, in the interests of the safety of all students at our school.
PET | River M |
PJC | Samuel D |
PKM | Arya B |
JBT | Savannah G |
JFR | Harper C |
JKB | Ben M |
JKH | Lily D |
JSB | Charlie G |
MAC | Spencer M |
MBJ | Ella I |
MEI | Carter M |
MMG | Sailor D |
SJH | Will S |
SKM | Billie B |
SLJ | Charli W |
SMW | Liliana D-W |
Performing Arts | MAC |
PE | SMW |
Visual Arts | PJC |