Jumbunna 2nd June 2022


Event Calendar

February 2025
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A Message from Ken and Lisa

Professional Practice Day

A reminder that Monday 6th June is our staff Professional Practice Day and students are not required at school.

For Term 2, 2022, the Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option to hold each teacher’s allocated Professional Practice Day on the same day for all staff. This is to enable the most effective and efficient use of this day and assist with managing replacement teachers across the state.

If you need care for your child on this day, our OSHC provider TheirCare is available on this day.

Reconciliation Week

This week is National Reconciliation Week. This is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements. These dates commemorate two significant events in our history. On the 27th May 1967, a referendum saw more than 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise them in the Census. On the 3rd of June 1992, the Australian High Court delivered the Mabo decision which lead to the legal decision of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of lands.

This year, the theme ‘Be Brave. Make a Change’, is a challenge to all Australians to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can make change for the benefit of all Australians.

It was fantastic to see everyone participate in Wear It Yellow Day on Thursday, raising funds for Children’s Ground to help brighten the future for First Nations children and their families.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will be held in the first week of Term 3 on Tuesday 12th July 2:00-5:30pm and Thursday 14th July 3:40-5:00pm.

Interviews will be held face to face onsite. Parents will have the option to arrange the meeting to be held online if they are unable to come into the school for the meeting. To arrange this, a booking will still need to be made via Compass and then emailing the class teacher to request an online meeting.

Bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews will open on Compass Monday 20th June.

School Photos

We have been advised by the photographers that the photos will be printed early next week for delivery at the end of the week or early the following week.

Enrolments for Prep Next Year

A gentle reminder to families who have not enrolled their child for Preps/Foundation next year yet that we would prefer enrolments in before the end of this term, Friday 24th June. This enables us to prepare properly for staffing, number of grades, etc.


Child Safe Standards

The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in maintaining and promoting child safety and wellbeing.

We have reviewed and updated our child safety policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These policies will be presented to School Council for consultation and approval at the June 16th Meeting. You can view the policies here:

We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies, procedures and practices.

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please email Lisa: Lisa.Roolker@education.vic.gov.au

Once these policies have been approved by School Council, we will inform families through the newsletter, and they will be available on our website in the Policies section.

More information regarding the Child Safe Standards will also be provided through the newsletter in Term 3.


Five ways to raise a balanced technology user

by Martine Oglethorpe


The little devices that connect us, entertain us, provide us with information, show us where to go, keep us organised and allow us to indulge in retail therapy from almost anywhere, have become an integral part of our daily lives.

But when it comes to our children and their screen-time habits, we often lament the role the devices play. These little screens that offer so much and answer so many of our needs also leave us wondering how much is too much for our kids, and how do we keep it under control? Following are five ways we can ensure that our children become  safe, savvy and balanced technology users.

  1. Look for the purpose of technology use

When parents ask me this I urge them to dig a little deeper and look at what else they could really be asking. We need to look at how each individual child is coping with their screen time. Are they still doing the things they always enjoyed before they had access to a screen? Are they able to put the screen away without a fight? What sorts of things are they doing on the screen? Is it a positive experience? Are they learning something? Are they interacting with it or merely consuming media? These are questions we need to be constantly revisiting throughout their adolescent years.

  1. Consider the future habits they are forming

At the same time, we need to make sure they are learning good habits from the beginning and gaining the skills and behaviours they need to stay in control of their screen time. To help form these habits, here are a few things you can do to keep screen time under control … without your kids resorting to techno-tantrums.

  1. Role model balanced screen-time behaviours

We know our kids learn much more from watching what we do, as opposed to listening to what we say. So how is your technology use affecting you? Are you ignoring others because you are scrolling? Are you falling asleep with a phone or tablet landing on your forehead? Are you able to give yourself over to certain tasks and focus without being distracted by beeps and notifications? Are you giving yourself some time without a device to enjoy family, friends and activities that keep you healthy and balanced?

  1. Establish ‘no brainer’ rules with your family

When it comes to technology, the rules often change as our children develop and mature. But we can also make some universal rules for the whole family based on our individual family values and what is important to us. It may be that there are no phones in the bedroom at night. It may be that there is no technology after a certain time of the day. It should certainly be that devices never ever come to the table at dinner time. Aiming for at least a few meals where the family is eating together is crucial. Your kids need this time to talk, connect with family and have a break from being ‘switched on’ to a device. They need to get into the habit of not eating and scrolling. So make your rules early and stick to them.

  1. Build a culture of balanced play in your home

Unlike a book or a game there is often no end to what happens with a device. There is always something more to see or do, another level to reach, another city to build or another army to destroy. So we need to get better at providing lots of other ways for our kids to be entertained, informed and connected to others. This may mean we have to physically go outside and play with them rather than simply tell them to go out. It may mean we have to insist on visits to places where devices don’t come out. Kids still want to run and jump and play – they just need to be reminded and encouraged to do so even more today. By building other ways to learn, play and interact into our kids’ lives from an early age, we are helping these things become part of their daily lives – habits that in turn become behaviours.

So while we often feel like the devices are taking over, all of these strategies rely on us – the parents. We need to be the ones to get in early and help show them the way. We need to take a look at what we are modelling to them in terms of our own device use and our own lifestyle. We need to be helping them form the right behaviours. There are many wonderful benefits that come with these devices, so ensuring we are using them in positive ways, and are in control, will go a long way to ensuring we are all reaping those benefits.


Ken & Lisa

Dates to remember

Click here to view the upcoming dates.

Our Sister School in Brunei

In 2019, Bonbeach PS became a sister school to Tutong Primary School in Brunei. Ibu Zas, a teacher there visited us for a week to learn about our school and country.

At the start of 2020 Ibu king went to Brunei to learn about their school and country. She stayed there for ten days.             


Tutong primary school is located on top of a small hill, it  is a small school with  less than students.


Like our school they wear a uniform, however, their uniform’s very different from ours.


Written by

School Indonesian captains Ruby P and Charlotte S

With the help of  Emma B-F, Tahlia B, Maive D, Emily T and Issy O’B.


Student of the Week

PJC                   Madeleine D
PKM                  Amarmi M
PKS                   Augie M

JFR                   Amelia D
JBT                   Aaliyah P
JKM                  Ledger B
                  Olivia F
Brigette R          
MMG                 Ben C
MSM                 Raph W
MEI                  Leonardo D
SNM                  Kailani A
SMW                 Cooper H
Indonesian           SJH $ MSM                                        
Performing Arts    MMG

Theircare News

Community Announcements