Parents Needed
We need 8-10 parents between 9am and 9:45am next Tuesday 8th March to answer questions about the school as part of our School Review. These questions will be asked by one of our external reviewers.
This is an opportunity to provide valuable feedback that could help us determine what we do as part of our Strategic Plan over the next 4 years.
If you are available to assist, could you please contact the office ASAP.
This year, our school will be transitioning to NAPLAN online. From the 10th May, our Year 3 and Year 5 students will complete the NAPLAN Reading, Conventions of Language and Mathematics assessments online. Students in Years 5 will also complete the writing assessment online, whilst our Year 3 students will complete the writing assessment on paper.
To assist with preparing the students and to check the technology is working in the school, there will be some practice test dates this term. On Wednesday 16th March, our current Year 3 and Year 5 students will participate in the School Readiness Test. On this day, the Year 3 and 5 students will complete an Omnibus test which is a combination test containing Reading, Conventions of Language and Mathematics questions. The purpose of this is to test the school’s readiness for running NAPLAN online and for the students to get used to using the online platform. The School Readiness test will be held under test conditions but will not be marked and student assessment results will not be reported to the school.
Our Year 5 students will also participate in a statewide Coordinated Practise Test of writing on Thursday 24th March at 11:30am. All schools will be participating in this assessment at the same time.
In addition to these formal practice tests, our Year 3 and 5 students will also participate in activities in class to help to prepare and assist them to become familiar with the online platform and how to use the online tools such as the ruler and protractor in the Maths test.
A schedule of the test days and times will be provided closer to the time. If you have any questions about your child’s participation in NAPLAN this year, please contact your child’s teacher or Lisa Roolker.
School Council Elections
We still have 1 vacancy for a parent representative on School Council. You don’t need to have any special qualifications. What you do need is an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the school’s future.
If you are interested in joining School Council, the nomination forms are available at the office until 10th March.
School Council Report
At the meeting of School Council last week, our Annual Implementation Plan was endorsed. Our Annual Implementation Plan sets out the main targets and goals that the school will be working towards throughout the year.
All Victorian schools this year have been provided with priority goals from the Department of Education in the areas of Learning and Wellbeing.
At BPS in 2022, we aim to increase the number of students at the school achieving at or above the expected level in English and Mathematics, reduce the percentage of students with more than 20 days of absence, improve students’ emotional awareness and regulation and the differentiation of student learning.
We will have a focus on ensuring our teaching teams are using assessment data to inform their planning, and planning lessons and activities that cater to each child’s individual needs and level including those requiring support or extension. We have three staff who are trained in the Multi Sensory Structured Language approach running small Literacy Intervention groups with students identified as needing additional support in Literacy. Our two Tutors are working with students in the area of writing and we are aiming to include mathematics tutoring for students later in the semester. As you may be aware, we have appointed an Inclusion Coordinator who is working closely with teachers and families to support students with disabilities to achieve success at school and we plan to provide a variety of professional learning opportunities for our staff to increase their knowledge and confidence in supporting students with diverse needs.
After two years of interrupted learning, the wellbeing of our students is a priority. Whilst students have transitioned back to 2022 very well, we have already noticed a need for supporting students with their social skills, self-regulation, work habits and stamina for a full days worth of learning at school. Additional wellbeing and Positive Behaviour for Learning sessions are being implemented by our teams based on the needs of the students in each cohort.
We have two staff members who towards the end of 2021 began participating in professional learning funded by the Department of Education in the use of the Smiling Minds Mindfulness App and curriculum. They will be leading staff to become familiar with this approach and later in the year, we will begin to implement this curriculum with our students. More information about this will be provided throughout the year.
School Shade Sail Fund
Over the summer holidays, the posts for the shade sails over the Junior and Senior playgrounds and in the pre-school were installed. Unfortunately, due to staff shortages as a result of Covid, the fabrication of the sails has been delayed. We hope these will be installed soon.
Late last week, we received notification from the Victorian Schools Building Authority that our application for the School Shade Sail Fund was successful. As part of this grant, twin shade sails will be constructed over the rebound wall.
These shade sails will be great additions to our school and provide much needed additional shade in our yard.
Ken & Lisa
On Friday 18th March, the P&F will be holding a Colour Explosion School Fun Run fundraiser. The last time we ran this event in 2019, it was not only a fantastic fundraiser for the school, but the children had a fantastic, fun filled afternoon.
Students have brought home an information sheet and booklet detailing how to fundraise and order prizes linked to the amount of money they raise.
Students will need to bring a white t-shirt to school on the day of the event and will be provided with sunglasses to protect their eyes.
Students will complete laps of the oval (walking or running) whilst being ‘hit’ with non-toxic, biodegradable colour powder. If you do not want your child to participate, please provide this in writing to your child’s teacher.
Following the event, students will be provided with a Zooper Dooper.
We are looking forward to a fun afternoon!
How long have you worked at Bonbeach?
10 years
What is your role at the school?
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Welcoming new preps to school and then seeing them graduate at the end of Year 6.
What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?
Reading or exercising
What’s your most fond childhood memory?
Going fishing with my dad
When you were little what did you aspire to be?
A fireman
What was your favourite subject at school?
How many languages do you speak?
English and German (very badly)
What skill would you like to master?
Flying an aeroplane
What book/tv series/podcasts are you right into at the moment?
Book:- Dark Emu
TV series:- Afterlife
Podcast:- Talking Tigers
What is your favourite sport to watch or play?
Aussie Rules
What is your favourite book/ movie/ song/ food?
Book:- Saga of Morgaine
Movie:- Life of Brian
Song:- Game of Love – Santana
Food:- Lasagne
Do you have any pets?
Dog – Charlie. Cat – Honey (I didn’t name the cat)
If you could choose to be anything for a day, what would it be?
A billionaire
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
Super speed
What’s your favourite holiday destination?
Palm Cove
How long have you worked at Bonbeach?
What is your role at the school?
Classroom teacher
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Building solid and supportive relationships with the students I teach.
What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?
Walking my dogs ‘Venus & Gypsy,’ listening to music and reading.
When you were little what did you aspire to be?
I wanted to be a hairdresser when I grew up and not a teacher because my mum, aunty and grandpa were teachers and I didn’t want to be like them.
What was your favourite subject at school?
Art and Writing
What is your favourite movie?
I have a few favourite movies, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption and the Notebook.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
The ability to fly.
How long have you worked at Bonbeach?
This is my first year at Bonbeach Primary School, so I am very excited!
What is your role at the school?
I am the classroom teacher of 3/4MMG
Do you have any pets?
I have two beautiful dogs called Heidi and Thorin (it's a bit of an unusual name Thorin, but we didn't name him!)
What is your favourite sport to watch or play?
I have been trying to understand AFL better so spent a lot of time watching the games last year, but I really enjoyed it.
What’s your favourite holiday destination?
Japan - so much delicious food and beautiful sites to see! Everyone is so lovely there and it's an extremely easy country to make your way around.
How long have you worked at Bonbeach?
I have been working at Bonbeach for 5 years going into my 6th.
What is your role at the school?
My current position is Art teacher.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
I love seeing the students grow as the year goes on, in particular the ‘ah ha’ moments when a student understands a new skill.
What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?
If I need to relax, I find there is nothing better than going for a long run while listening to music.
What was your favourite subject at school?
My favourite subject when I was at school was Sport.
What is your favourite sport to watch or play?
I love watching the Bombers play in the AFL. This is our year I can feel it!!
What is your favourite song?
My favourite song is Scar by Missy Higgins.
Do you have any pets?
I have a chocolate Labrador named Milo. He has just turned one!
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Spaghetti Bolognese
How long have you worked at Bonbeach?
8 years
What is your role at the school?
MSL teacher
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The relationships that I have built with my students and listening to all their stories as they move up the grade levels in our school.
When you were little what did you aspire to be?
I always wanted to be a teacher!
Do you have any pets?
I have a very spoilt golden retriever called Charlie.
What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?
Spending time with my family and friends, but also watching some good old reality tv!
What’s your favourite holiday destination?
New Zealand and Queensland.
The Grade 3/4 students have been learning about ‘The Nutcracker’ ballet in their Performing Arts classes this term. They have become familiar with the story, the dances and Tchaikovsky’s beautiful music in this wonderful children’s ballet. I was very excited to learn that the Victorian State Ballet are performing ‘The Nutcracker’ at the Frankston Arts Centre on Sunday 18th September and tickets are on sale now. (I have already booked my tickets). You might like to take your family along to this ballet and give them the wonderful opportunity to extend their learning and appreciation of the Arts.
If you are interested, use this link to book your tickets
Mrs Keeley – Performing Arts Teacher