Jumbunna 26th November 2021


Event Calendar

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A Message from Ken and Lisa


Our 2022 Prep transition sessions are well underway and our 2022 prep teachers have been enjoying getting to know our future students and families. Our 2022 prep students have had the opportunity to participate in three transition sessions at school, one with each of our 2022 Prep teachers.

The final Prep transition session will be held on the State-wide transition day on Tuesday 7th December.

This year, our Year 1-6 internal transition will look a little different. On the State-wide transition day on Tuesday 7th December, our current Year 6 students will attend Year 7 transition at their 2022 Secondary School. On this day, our current Prep- Year 5 students will participate in a ‘Step up’ day.

Students will begin the day in their normal classroom, then from 9:30-3:00pm, they will ‘step up’ and participate in activities in their 2022 year level with each of the 2022 teachers. This will provide opportunities for the students to experience the year level, rooms, and start to get to know the teachers in the year level for 2022.

At 3:00pm, students will return to their 2021 class to debrief on the day before dismissal.

On the last day of term, after our Year 3 campers have returned, students will have their ‘Meet the teacher’ session where they will find out their grade for 2022. This session has been scheduled on this day to ensure that all students find out at the same time and our students on camp are able to participate.


Semester Reports

At Bonbeach PS we know it is vital to involve students and their parents/carers in learning. This includes providing a written report to parents/carers on student progress and achievement at least twice a year.

The Department of Education and Training has adjusted the expectations around student reporting for Semester 2 in recognition of the disruption caused by COVID-19.

We will therefore provide a modified written report for Semester 2, 2021 focusing on what progress has been made and what has been achieved by each child.

Reports will include:

Classroom Teachers Report

  • A description of what has been taught this semester.

For English and Mathematics: 

o student achievement information represented on a continuum of learning;

o progress made since the last time these curriculum areas were reported on;

o a five-point scale (see below)

Well above expected level

Above expected level

At expected level

Below expected level

Well below expected level

More than a year above the expected level

6-12 months above the expected level

Within 6 months of the age expected level

6-12 months below the expected level

More than a year behind the expected level

  • A comment on their personal and social capability and Inquiry achievements.

Specialist Report

  • A description of what has been taught this semester.

o student achievement information represented on a continuum of learning;

o progress made since the last time these curriculum areas were reported on;

o a five-point scale. 

Reports will be published to Compass by 4pm Thursday 16th December.


End of Year Assembly

Please be aware that due to the Year 3 and 4 camps being rescheduled to the final week of the term, we have needed to make some adjustments to our end of year calendar.

The final assembly for 2021, will be held on Friday 17th December at 9:15am. We are hoping to hold this outside.


Parent Feedback Survey

As part of our Self-evaluation process in preparation for our School Review in 2022, we would like to hear from our families on a range of areas of school operations. We would appreciate if each household could take some time (approx. 15 minutes) to complete this feedback survey - https://forms.gle/61yNtyHASqpTuDa38

The survey is completely confidential (email addresses will not be collected when you fill in the form) and will provide us with valuable feedback regarding parent/carer perspectives of the school. We ask that only one survey be completed per household.

The survey link will remain active until 4:00pm Friday 3rd December.

Classes Next Year

If you put in a request for your child for next year’s class, it was definitely considered when classes were created this week. However, it does not mean that the request was necessarily granted. The teachers put a great deal of thought into these lists and may have decided that, for whatever reason, the request was not in the best interest of the students.

As the classes for next year are completed, we will obviously not consider any late requests.

The classes for next year are:-

Prep:- Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Murray, Ms Jennings/Mrs Clark

1/2 :- Mrs Batson, Mrs Ballos/Mrs Turner, Ms Brennan, Mrs Middleton, Mr Rankine

3/4 :- Mr Jasiewicz, Mrs Ioviero, Mr Sandy/Mrs Mullavey, Ms Goray

5/6 :- Mrs McCallum, Mr Halperin, Ms Felmingham, Mr Waters

Phys Ed:- Mr McCormack, LOTE: - Mrs King, Visual Arts:- Mr Cook, Performing Arts:- Mrs Keeley

Inclusion co-ordinator Ms Fregon; Literacy Intervention Ms Wicks & Mrs Hill; Tutor Mrs Tisseverasinghe.

As you may have observed, we have new and returning staff on our list. We are very excited to welcome Ms Goray, Ms Brennan, Mrs Clark and Mrs Keeley, and welcome back Mr Waters.

School Visitors

Please note that we are obliged to follow the DET directives at all times The directive regarding visitors to the school is:-

Parents, carers and other adult visitors attending a gathering at school, such as a fete, school play or graduation ceremony, whether indoors or outdoors, need to show evidence of vaccination on arrival.

4 ways to respond to kids who love the last word

by Michael Grose

“Don’t do it!”

I sat in the back of the classroom and I saw a fourteen-year-old student taunt his teacher in a way that only young adolescent boys can do.

The teacher asked the student to get back to work and stop disturbing others, reminding him that his behaviour was out of order.

The student grudgingly resumed his task. But just before he put his head down, he threw out a comment about it being a stupid piece of work that he had to do.

This young fella’ threw down an ‘imaginary rope’ (the last word, a taunt, a jibe, a joke) for the teacher to pick up.

“Don’t pick it up! Just let it go!” I thought as I sat in the back of the room. He was getting back to work. This was the boy’s way of saving face in front of his mates.

The teacher picked up the imaginary rope and began a tirade of abuse that was extremely personal.

I detected the slightest grin the student’s face that said “Gotchya!” The teacher’s remarks were like water off a duck’s back. He revelled in them and I watched as his status amongst his male peer group just went up a number of notches.

Okay, so what’s the point?

The hard part of dealing with kids, whether you are a teacher or a parent, is to ignore some of their ‘last wordedness’ and the verbal comments they throw our way.

I am not suggesting that we ignore all taunts or rude remarks but there are many occasions when we should just leave the ‘imaginary rope’ where is lies. Usually when we ‘pick up the rope’ we turn into a child!

‘Throwing the rope’ is so effective as behind most conflict between kids and adults are the deeper issues of:

  • Power (“I want to make you do this”),
  • Position (“I’m the adult so you should listen to me”) and
  • Prestige (“I want others to think I’m doing a good parenting job”).

Arguments, last-wordedness or comeback lines, which are often about kids saving face, threaten our position or prestige as parents or teachers. “You can’t say that to me, I am the adult,” is the type of thinking that brings us undone every time.

They are also a way of kids saying that I will acquiesce to you but on my terms, which is about power.

Four alternatives to picking up the rope:

  1. Stop, smile, ignore and walk away.
  2. If the issue was important, choose the right time and place to talk to your child about their behaviour.
  3. If it’s not important, let it pass. Some kids just value the fight so don’t fight.
  4. Use humour to diffuse the situation. Self-deprecating humour works well; sarcasm doesn’t work.

Next time a child ‘throws the rope’ by having the last word or using a quick throw-away line, realise what is happening. Look at the imaginary rope, smile and refuse to pick it up. That is the adult thing to do.

Hard work, but essential if we are going to be successful at bringing out the best in kids’ behaviour.


Ken & Lisa

Christmas Raffle

Well what a year we have had!

No Fathers’ Day stall!

No Colour Run!

…BUT we are once again counting on the continued generosity of our school community and are having a Christmas raffle to be drawn at our end of year assembly.

As you are aware, all monies we raise are spent on our children and we are always very happy to accept any suggestions regarding same.

All donations for the raffle will be gratefully accepted and can be left at the office with our lovely ladies.

 Thanks again from your P&F.


Student of the Week

PDJ          Hunter J
PKM         Max C
PLS          Amelia D

JBT           Walker W
JKB           Arthur H
JKM           Scarlett W & Jamie D
JST            Erin M
JTC            Hannah L D

MBJ           Van L
MCF           Charli W
MEI           Emma B - F
MFR           Maya D
MSM          Tilli N

SNM           Mapalo M

Performing Arts      SNB

Dates to remember

Click here to view the upcoming dates.

Community Announcements